The Impact of Evolving Beauty Standards on Teenage Girls: Unveiling the Struggles and Consequences | Teen Ink

The Impact of Evolving Beauty Standards on Teenage Girls: Unveiling the Struggles and Consequences

July 13, 2023
By Sadeel DIAMOND, Dayton, New Jersey
Sadeel DIAMOND, Dayton, New Jersey
50 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Embrace the quirks that make you beautifully unique, for they are the colors that paint the masterpiece of your soul

Beauty standards have undergone significant transformations throughout history, shaping societal norms and profoundly influencing the perceptions of attractiveness. These ever-changing standards exert a profound impact on the lives of teenage girls, leaving a lasting impression on their self-perception and well-being. This article aims to explore the specific ways in which beauty standards have evolved over time, highlighting the stark differences and examining the detrimental effects they impose on the self-image and mental health of adolescent girls.

Beauty standards have continuously evolved, reflecting the prevailing cultural, societal, and historical contexts of each era. For instance, during the Renaissance period, curvaceous figures were considered ideal, symbolizing wealth and fertility. In contrast, the 1920s witnessed the emergence of the flapper era, celebrating boyish figures as a sign of independence and rebellion. These stark shifts in beauty ideals exemplify the arbitrary nature of these standards and the pressure placed on teenage girls to conform to ever-changing ideals.

Drastic Changes in Beauty Standards:

Body Shape: Over time, there have been drastic changes in societal preferences for body shape. From the hourglass figures of the 1950s to the slim and athletic frames of the 1990s, beauty standards have continuously imposed an ideal body shape on teenage girls. The constant pressure to achieve these often unrealistic and unattainable ideals leads to body dissatisfaction, self-consciousness, and the adoption of unhealthy practices to conform.
Skin Tone and Features: Beauty standards have also exhibited significant variations in terms of skin tone and facial features. Historical beauty ideals often favored fair skin, associating it with purity and social status. In contrast, more recent trends celebrate diverse skin tones and emphasize the importance of inclusivity. However, societal pressures to conform to specific facial features, such as full lips or a narrow nose, persist, causing teenage girls to feel inadequate and self-conscious about their natural appearance.
Hair and Hairstyles: The perception of ideal hair and hairstyles has seen substantial transformations. From the elaborate updos of the Victorian era to the straight and sleek styles popularized by the media in the 2000s, beauty standards have continuously influenced hair aesthetics. Teenage girls are often bombarded with images of luscious, perfectly styled hair, leading to insecurities and a constant desire to achieve the latest trends. This pressure can have negative consequences on self-esteem and hair-related practices, such as excessive heat styling or chemical treatments.

Impact on Adolescent Girls:

Self-esteem and Body Image: The dynamic nature of beauty standards places immense pressure on teenage girls to conform, leading to a diminished sense of self-esteem and negative body image. Comparisons to unrealistic ideals result in feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a distorted perception of their own bodies. These detrimental effects can contribute to the development of eating disorders, anxiety, and depression among adolescent girls.
Societal Pressure and Peer Influence: Beauty standards perpetuated by media platforms create a culture of comparison and competition among teenage girls. The desire for social acceptance and fear of exclusion drive girls to invest significant time, effort, and resources into meeting these standards. This pressure can hinder personal growth, limit self-expression, and erode their sense of individuality.
Objectification and Sexualization: Unrealistic beauty ideals perpetuated by media can lead to the objectification and sexualization of teenage girls. The constant exposure to idealized images reinforces the notion that their worth is primarily based on physical appearance, rather than their intelligence, talents, or character. This can result in a distorted understanding of self-worth, hinder healthy relationships, and impede their overall empowerment.

The impact of evolving beauty standards on teenage girls is profound, leaving lasting impressions on their self-perception and well-being. The drastic changes in beauty ideals related to body shape, skin tone, facial features, and hair create a perpetual cycle of comparison, self-doubt, and pressure to conform. Recognizing these detrimental effects is essential in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that celebrates diverse beauty and promotes positive self-image among adolescent girls. By encouraging individuality, promoting media literacy, and fostering self-acceptance, we can empower teenage girls to define their own standards of beauty and cultivate a generation of confident, resilient young women.

Works Cited 

Jones, Sarah. "The Impact of Media on Teenage Body Image." Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 15 June 2023,

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