Soy Morena | Teen Ink

Soy Morena

June 7, 2018
By KatyH BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
KatyH BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I was a little girl my mom would call me her tan princess, translated it sounds ridiculous but in Spanish it's sweet. I always knew I was different compared to other people but I did not pay attention to it. I would be called hispanic or latina because my parents are from central America and due to the fact that I speak Spanish. To me they are positive words, I think of our energy and strong voices.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the same opinion as me. They associate these words with being an immigrant or Mexican. Some people think we are dumb, that we do drugs, that we are poor, or that we are trash. This is pure racism. These people are not compassionate, these people are heartless. We should not be labeled because truly anyone could be dumb, poor, and so on. I do not think I should be judged because of my skin color, because of the way I look. I do not understand why I need put a checkmark on some papers to inform that I am hispanic, why can't I simply be human? My race does not matter. I am just like everyone else. I thought discrimination did not exist anymore but it clearly does. My mother does not deserve to be treated like trash. She’s worked hard, harder than the average American. My mother is stronger than those racist people.

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