A Letter | Teen Ink

A Letter

May 16, 2018
By number18 BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
number18 BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
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To the people who have food,

Food is a limited item, for some impossible to come across. Countries around the world struggle year after year to provide citizens with the nutrients and vitamins needed to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Hunger is something that is all around us, and something that you may experience from time to time. This crisis can be found specifically in many East African countries such as Sudan, Chad, Ghana, Somalia and others. This can be a topic overlooked by many and is something serious enough that it takes around 9 million lives a year.

Food is something that many don’t fully appreciate the opportunity to have three times a day. Food shortages can also be closely be related to the bad water conditions in many countries. Drought often leads to the downfall of farms and home grown crops that 50% of the world's poorest families depend upon. This then allows food insecurity to settle in and deprive people of their reliable access to a sufficient quantity of food. Up to one third of the food produced in the world is never consumed, completely wasted due to to the cause of  inefficient farming and the lack of post-harvest storage.

Food is wasted daily by people all over the world, this recalls to what the bible said  A sated man loathes honey, But to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet”, in which one man has an opportunity and takes advantage of it but, to the other man who doesn’t he greatly accepts it. Hunger affects people’s lives in many ways by providing poor nutrition, health problems, and the inability to work. Every night at least one in every nine people goes to bed hungry.

This problem may not ever be solved, but there are many ways to guide food insecurity in the right direction. Starting or participating in a food drive and or a food bank is a great way to help with hunger locally in your community. Donating plays a big part in many organizations and allows for famine and hunger to be helped world wide. Reading about global hunger will let you have a better understanding of the problems around the world. Also, spreading  knowledge you’ve learned will help inform others about it too.

In great hopes that the drought of surpluses and the dried up soil of hunger will come and go leading us towards a better and more sustainable future. Hopefully this letter will help some of you acknowledge the fact that food is a special thing and that no one should have to suffer a life without it.

Yours to hope for the better

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