Why I’m Thankful for America’s Veterans | Teen Ink

Why I’m Thankful for America’s Veterans

March 9, 2018
By dancer11 PLATINUM, Okauchee, Wisconsin
dancer11 PLATINUM, Okauchee, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear WWII veteran,

First, I would like to say welcome home.  I appreciate all you have done and the sacrifices you made to shape this country.  Recently I was inspired to think back and reflect about the wars that have been fought by the Honor Flight movie.  That's when I knew it was important to recognize all the men and women who fought for our country. 

I am writing to you today because you never received the proper welcome home and thank yous you should have.  Luckily once I entered high school I got to be a part of welcoming home veterans every year.  I am part of the dance team at my school and we get to proudly lead the way for your welcome home.  This experience is truly one of a kind.  I enjoy this experience mostly because it's the least I can do to show my appreciation.  Brave men and women like you risk your lives to fight for our country.

When I was in fifth grade I got to experience something I would never forget.  I got the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. and look at the memorials built in your memory.  I was woken at the sight of it all and felt it was my duty to appreciate the veterans who stepped up and risked their lives for this country.  The experience was one I will truly never forget. 

My great grandfather was a veteran in World War II.  The risk he put on his life for us will never be forgotten.  I can still remember his Honor Flight, me anxiously waiting to give my grandfather the proper welcome home.  With hugs and kisses all around from the family showed him we are more than grateful for his service.  

Your hard work and dedication to this country is incredible.  I want you to know you or your sacrifices will never be forgotten.  Because of the men and woman like you I get to live a wonderful life here in the United States.  One last time, I want to say thank you and welcome home.

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