A Modest Proposal: A Satirical Solution for Gender Equality | Teen Ink

A Modest Proposal: A Satirical Solution for Gender Equality

November 11, 2016
By Monkeyking11 BRONZE, Freeland, Michigan
Monkeyking11 BRONZE, Freeland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


It is a melancholy object to those who care about gender equality and the well-being of both men and women. This detrimental happening is a serious problem for people around the globe. The irresponsibility of both genders creating this inequality is gradually eating away at our society and will be very difficult to stop. This could become a trainwreck if there is nothing done about this issue in the near future.
I think it is agreed by all parties that the life-threatening occurrence of gender inequality is in a horrendous place on this Earth. Whosoever would be able to come up with an efficient and low-cost solution to this burden deserves some sort of award.
But my intention is far from being confined to provide only for the betterment of  the treatment of all genders so that everyone can be treated equally and become closer.
As to my own part, I have studied the proposals of other projectors, and concluded that they are not nearly as efficient as they claim to be. Other people want to create laws that decrease discrimination against women in the workplace but this would, obviously, only help women.
I will now present my idea, which I hope will not be subject to any disagreement.
I humbly offer it to public consideration that humankind as a cohesive and cooperative unit, should separate all of the men and women and build a wall between where the two genders live. Men and women would live on different sides of the countries that they live in. For example; American men and women would each get half of the country.
In this scenario, There will be no discrimination because men couldn’t be sexist toward women and vice versa. Men and women would both create their own societies and governments and rule themselves. How they rule themselves is determined on their own terms.

Of course, reproduction would be drastically decreased. This would need to somehow be controlled and regulated so that the human race could not become extinct.

These drastic and sudden changes will be nearly impossible to implement and highly improbable that it can be regulated. The human race will become an equal yet separate population that will get along nicely.

I can think of no valid objection that may be introduced to antagonize this proposal unless, people claim that this would count as segregation which is illegal in most countries. However, we can very easily have that law repealed.

Again, no one should dare to suggest these notions to me until they have a small spark of hope that these actions may be implemented

It is not that I do not respect the input of others on the subject of solutions to this topic, but simply that I have spent millennia researching and developing my thoughts about this solution. This is one of the best, if not the best solution for our society to continue.

*This proposal is a satirical piece reflecting the style of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal and should not be taken seriously.

The author's comments:

This is a satirical solution for Gender Equality. What inspired me to create this was the very noticable problems that are facing men and women around the world. 

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