America, a Country That Never Gives Up | Teen Ink

America, a Country That Never Gives Up

September 28, 2016
By blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Memorial Day represents what America is: a place of opportunity, freedom, sacrifice, unity and honor. Memorial Day honors those who sacrificed their lives each and every day to fight for our country.

We are a nation of opportunity. America is where people feel safe and find that there are opportunities and freedom. People flee from their home country to America so they can be free. We are a free nation because of our heros. Travis Williams is a hero to me. Travis served in the war, and he lost 12 of his friends to a bomb; yet he still continued to fight for our country.

We are a nation of sacrifice and honor because of the brave veterans who fought in blood-soaked wars. 1.2 million heroes sacrificed their lives. We are a nation of honor because there is no giving up in our wars. Thousands of our gracious fighters, suffering from PTSD, tossing and turning from their sweaty nightmares of the war, pay the price for our freedoms and liberties.. 

We are a country with history hidden in our tall, freely waving flag. Our flag, still stands and flaps in the wind through the hardships that have been faced. I am proud to live in America, a country protected and made from the bloody, bruised hands of our soldiers. There is no possible way to imagine what it took to protect America. On Memorial Day, I can't thank our heros enough for all that they have done.

Memorial Day reminds Americans of the sacrifice of our servicemen and women. Many soldiers gave up their lives for America. On Memorial Day, we remember them.

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