Insecurity | Teen Ink


June 6, 2016
By staystrong_18 BRONZE, San Diego, California
staystrong_18 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine this: You walk into school wearing your normal clothing. You notice people looking at you and some whispering something to each other while looking at your direction. You start thinking, “Why are they looking at me? Am I really that fat and ugly? Am I showing too much fat?” You started to get more and more paranoid. Then you finally realize it’s all in your head. Has this ever happened to you? Insecurity affects all of us and you may not know it. Overcoming insecurity won’t be easy but I believe relying on positivity and your self-confidence will help you overcome it. One way to overcome insecurity is to think positive.

The reason why I believe positivity could help you overcome insecurity is because positivity can cancel out the negative effects that insecurity has on you. In a recent study by Dr. Robert and Lisa Firestone shows how most people, even if they have a high self esteem, thinks negatively about themselves (“Why Am I So Insecure?” 2016). If you think negatively about yourself wouldn’t positive thinking help you? Trust me when I say that I have done this before. I am a insecure 13 year old girl and I constantly find myself thinking about my insecurities. I feel like I’m too fat and ugly. How I’m a failure and a disappointment. Then I try thinking about the good things in my life. For example my friends and my family. I slowly feel better just changing my perspective and it might help you as well. You don’t only have to rely on your own positivity, it can also be your friends and your family. Whenever I feel down my friends can see that I am, and somehow they always know how to make me smile and forget about my insecurities. But I’m not saying that with positivity you’ll just forget about your insecurities, what I am saying is that using positivity can help you not think about it. Positivity is one way to help you overcome insecurity, but another way is to use your self-confidence.

Another way to overcome insecurity is to use your self-confidence. First of all, you will need to know the definitions of insecurity and self-confidence. The definition of insecurity is the lack of confidence and the uncertainty about oneself (“Google” 2016). “To be self-confident is to be secure in yourself and your abilities” (“Self-Confident” 2016). When you look at both definitions we can see that these words are completely opposite from each other. Your insecurity is caused by this critical inner voice in your mind (“Why Am I So Insecure?” 2016). Just remember that this voice is just in your mind. Use your self-confidence to shield you from the affects that insecurities cause. You might not have a whole lot of confidence but you do know who you really are. It is your job using your self-confidence and positivity to keep this demon named insecurity in check. Even though I believe that insecurity is a big issue, some people don’t agree.


In other people’s opinions insecurity is not a big deal since some people don’t even experience insecurity.

According to my poll there are 3 out 13 people that claim they don’t feel insecure or they don’t have any insecurities. You say that it’s not a big deal because not all of us are affected by insecurity but what about the rest of us? The 10 out of 13 people who took my poll saying that they have insecurities? If you still think that insecurity is a big deal consider this. Insecurity might cause paranoia, bullying, and other types insolation (“Effects of Insecurity” 2008). This shows how insecurity can lead into a bigger problem like bullying. “Children who are mistreated at home start feeling insecure and inadequate and as a result some of them become bullies because this provides them with a great deal of relief.” (“Reasons Why People Bully Others” 2015). This evidence shows that insecurity makes people feel weak and worthless to the point that some would bully others just to make them feel like they’re worth something, that they are good enough. All of us are affected by insecurity in one way or another. Insecurity is a demon that affects us all and he is not that easy to overcome.

In conclusion, insecurity could be overpowered. One way to overcome insecurity is to use positivity. Another way is to use your self-confidence. Insecurity is also a big issue that can affect everyone. I know some days you just can’t be positive nor rely on your self-confidence. It’s like your brain won’t let you, I’ve been there. Just know that everyone goes through this and you have your family and friends to be your sunshine in this storm. Don’t let the demon consume you and ruin everything you hold dearly. Everything will be okay. Stay Strong.

The author's comments:

This is a argument essay on how to overcome insecurity.

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