My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

January 15, 2009
By Anonymous

Under the lights and the pressure from the crowd he gets ready to pursuit. My hero is Scott. He’s now a senior in high school he’s a tough headstrong athlete and that is why he is my hero. He is a cornerback for the Chelsea high school.

In spring 2008 Scott was a junior playing varsity baseball. It was an after school practice everything was going good until he went to go get a bat. He was told by the batting coach to take some swings. He jogs to the dugout and out of nowhere in a split second he sees a bat. He’s on the ground knocked out Donny rushes to tell the coach what happened and he calls an ambulance. He had been hit with a bat. Don had accidently hit Scott on his back swing.

Scott had had a serious concussion and couldn’t remember a thing. Scott had to quit the baseball for season even though he wanted to play. I had Scott for my football coach in football camp. I looked up to him he taught me a lot of great plays. Because even though he had that concussion and couldn’t remember anything he still came out and helped with the camp. Scot still plays hard and is a starting corner for varsity.

Scott taught me that if there’s an obstacle in life just work your way around it. I hope I can be as good as he is when I get up to varsity football. That is why Scott is my hero for his great courage and ability to be a great athlete.

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