Should Cellphones Be Allowed in School? | Teen Ink

Should Cellphones Be Allowed in School?

March 10, 2016
By FluffyCatRuby BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
FluffyCatRuby BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should cell phones be allowed to be used in school? This is a heavily debated topic questioned by a lot of parent, students and school faculty. Many of these groups have their own opinions how would you feel if your most prized possession was taken away for having it out? Many say the should be allowed in school because of the tools and apps that can be installed can actually help you in class. Also is there is an emergency or if students are in a dangerous situation they can contact their parents to let them know they are alright. Music can also increase the focus on our work. However many say that we shouldn’t have cell phones because of their loud sounds that can disturb the class and their use for cheating. I am on the side of allowing cellphones not because I am a teen but the fact that they can help.

Cell phones can be used for a variety of things from spelling apps to math homework helpers. These types of apps can be used in school to help students that may be dyslexic or have a type of learning disability. We can also do research on our phones if laptops are not available.  Considering the fact most teens have their phones with them at all times even when they aren't suppose too. This makes it easier because the browsers that we use on phones can be linked to websites such as Google Docs etc, mostly everything we can to on a laptop we can do on our phones that's why we could use them if laptops are unavailable at the time. My school uses laptops and sometimes when we type our projects or essays and need the computer again they might not be available some of us have Android phones that as associated with Google meaning we have easy access to Google Docs. While others say if our phones are in class we might just download Instagram or Twitter and be like on it instead of paying attention in class but that’s their fault for not paying attention and failing.

Another reason cell phones should be allowed is because what if there was some type of emergency or we are in a dangerous situation and we are separated from our teachers and we have to contact our parents or call or text for help. We always have our cell phones close to us but not always our teachers. There could be a shootout and we are separated from guardians if we had our phones we could call for help and tell our parents we are okay. Blizzards are a huge factor as well sometimes they get so bad kids HAVE to stay at school and wait for parents to pick us up we could call them instead of the school having to call hundreds of parents all at one time with could take a while and we could just call them on our own. This is from a friend from my other school who had to stay till her parents could pick her up because of all the snow and they didn’t want her to get stuck on her bus for hours since there could have been other kids on the bus meaning multiple stops which takes forever.I know some kids can get home by themselves and don't really need to call their parents but some do because parents can worry about their kids if they are late coming home without notice

Music is a factor on why phones should allowed it has been proven that music can increase the level of focus. An article on The New York Times website says “ Dr.Lesiuk research focuses on how music affects workplace performance. In one study involving information technology specialists, she found that those who listened to music completed their tasks more quickly and came up with better ideas than those who didn’t, because the music improved their mood.” this was a study to see if music truly did help and see if it actually improved how people worked which is did! I actually listened to music while doing this and I got a lot more done if I wasn’t listening to music it would be like half of this. However music can be distracting to certain types of people like if you work well without music. Listening to it can distract or irritate the person listening which is completely understandable  but in most cases music works it is normally the experts that do not need music. They are normally the ones who find music distracting. Proven by research.

Cell phones aren’t as distracting as you think they would be compared to everything else us teens do like throwing paper or yelling in class or do absolutely  nothing the whole class. Honestly this is normally old fashion adults or strict ones that say that phones should not be allowed in school let’s face it. Modern times and modern schooling means modern technology you know what that means? PHONES!! This is why I Believe that phones should be allowed in school, besides we already use laptops why not our phones? What do you think?

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