Donald Trump: Politician or Salesmen | Teen Ink

Donald Trump: Politician or Salesmen

February 28, 2016
By JustinM. BRONZE, Townsend, Delaware
JustinM. BRONZE, Townsend, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Donald J. Trump is the frontrunner in the Republican Party, he has had that title for months now and shows no sign of changing anytime soon. Donald Trump is a very successful businessman in the real estate market, with his net worth now totaling four billion USD. He has managed to built his company from the ground up with “A small loan of a million dollars” from his father, but just because Trump created a very successful business does not mean they will have the same success in running arguably the most powerful and influential country in the world.

Trump is an interesting man to watch he’s funny, goofy, and sometimes just plain weird. The Republican Debates have saw record high ratings because of him. When Trump had a weak debate performance he later blamed in on one of the female moderators claiming that “She starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions, and you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.” One of these “ridiculous” questions was “You’ve called women ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ ‘disgusting animals.'” when Trump cut in saying “Only Rosie O’Donnell.” This behavior is unheard of from a presidential candidate or the political class in general.

A study put each of the 19 presidential candidates announcement speeches through the Flesch-Kincaid readability test. The Flesch-Kincaid readability test consists of complex algorithms that analyzes sentence structure and word choice and gives it a grade level ranking. Trump’s announcement speech was placed at a fourth grade level, to give some context Ben Carson’s was at a sixth grade level, and Sanders was all the way up in tenth grade. Later analysis of Trump’s other speeches show the same result. Trump favors these simple sentences and repetition because that is what a salesman does, they use simple ideas and reinforce them again and again until you think they are facts. I believe Evan Puschak from the Nerdwriter put it best saying “The best salesmen could sell you a T.V. without knowing anything about it, because the T.V. isn’t what matters, what matters is you and if you are an american citizen who for years has listen to politicians sound sophisticated while accomplishing nothing you might just be primed for something for something that is everything they are not.”

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