Chipped Nails | Teen Ink

Chipped Nails

June 20, 2015
By Flor Hernandez BRONZE, Riverside, California
Flor Hernandez BRONZE, Riverside, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yes, you read that correctly. The title of this article is indeed chipped nails, don’t confuse it for a metaphorical phrase for a deep story thats suppose to bring tears to your eyes its literal. Chipped nails? why? Well someone once told me it was very un lady like for my nails to be chipped, not completely coated with a color of some Essie nail polish or even a cheap brand from the flea market didn't matter what kind of nail polish it was it was just essential. essential in order to feel and look like a lady, sounds pretty cliche to me. Its nice to have some nice color on your nails once in a while and praise the girls who have the time in their day to notice the state of their nails and do something about it, but really does that signify how much of a lady i am? That statement basically means that if i refuse to find time in my day to keep my nails from being “horribly chipped” i am less of a lady. A lady in the dictionary means “a woman” pretty obvious and it also means a woman of superior social position. Someone who should be respected, meaning if i am less of a lady i am less of a woman? i should be respected less? be considered low. What is this, the 1950’s? did we not already overcome the time where a women, A LADY couldn't do as she pleased. Wore what she wanted, did what she wanted, said what she wanted. We stomp our feet when we our told that we must always cover up so we avoid stairs and we build a wall and fight as “femenists” and don’t get me wrong i too stomp my feet, real hard actually because i’m basically being told what to dress and i mean well darn no one likes that right? and so why must a lady, a sophisticated intelligent lady be despised because she forget to coat her finger nails in a stupid insignificant color. My point is that if ones nails are chipped and not “lady like” it is not because they are not “ladies” it is because they are busy, depressed, or just don't think nails are important because they have bigger priorities and maybe i’m taking this out of context but honestly i will point my lady like pinky in the air with my chipped nails and be proud of it, proud to be a lady cause i am a lady with or without nail polish. I am beautiful and look good even if my nails are a little chipped. Besides who decided what makes one a lady and what doesnt ? 

The author's comments:

Just a thought that crossed my mind when i noticed my peer despising the ones who did things a little diffrently 

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