Enjoy the Miracle | Teen Ink

Enjoy the Miracle

November 15, 2014
By AllieBunting SILVER, Peachtree City, Georgia
AllieBunting SILVER, Peachtree City, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone gets a miracle. A miracle is described as a surprising event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. Now, I don’t think any “divine agency” has exactly given me my miracle yet but I imagine it’s out there somewhere. Maybe it’s already there and I just haven’t noticed it yet or maybe it will surprise me at any moment. Nevertheless, I’m still waiting for it.

 Miracles happen everyday. Babies are born and people fall in love and good things happen. But bad things happen too. There are just as many deaths as births a day (if not more) and just as many negative things as positive. What I don’t get is why most people tend to focus on the negative when life has so many good things to offer.

Take Mondays for example. I have never met anyone that actually likes Mondays. I know they’re the beginning of the week and you have to wake up early and go to work and carry on with all your responsibilities you dropped last Friday. But if you think about it, about the positive, Mondays can actually be a pretty great start to your week.

 The average person complains at least 12 minutes every Monday about it being Monday and only get three hours of actual productive work done. That’s three hours out of eight. That’s five hours wasted. Five hours you could’ve spent getting work done that you wouldn't have to do later. But now you have to make up those five hours you lost and that means less time for leisure and more time for stress. And those 12 minutes? Those could’ve been spent finishing your math homework or learning your vocabulary words, but instead you wasted them complaining about something that can’t be changed. All I’m saying is don’t take advantage of time. You never know when it might run out.

      If you were to focus on the positive, your Monday, and your week, could be a whole lot better. Every Monday there are over 5,000 weddings, 10,000 childbirths, and 42 million hugs. At least 4 people will win the multimillion dollar lottery, 600 people will get promotions at work, 600 dogs will be adopted, 35,000 balloons will be sold, and the words “I love you” will be said over 9 million times. So the next time you start complaining its a Monday, keep your head up. According to statistics, it will actually be a really nice day.


Monday isn’t the only day people complain. It seems that everyday except Friday, someone will say “It’s only Wednesday” or whatever day of the week it is followed with a big sigh and a list of complaints. Don't get me wrong, there have been plenty of times where I have caught myself saying these exact words but that doesn’t mean it’s okay. People shouldn’t wait until the weekend to have fun. Imagine if you were only ever happy on weekends. If you were to live to be 80 then you’d have only 4,160 days of happiness when you could’ve had 29, 200. So enjoy every moment. Life is too good to be wished away.

      Someone once told me that life is about “learning, laughing, and loving, not worrying, whining, or complaining”. Too many people spend their time worrying about the future or whining about an easy fix when they should be living their life and learning new things. Instead of wasting time on the small, petty things, do yourself a favor and focus on what’s important.

And, of course, everyone has their bad days and their frustrations they need to let out and that’s okay. All I’m saying is to not let that stuff ruin you permanently. Don’t let a bad grade on a test crush your motivation to study for the next one. Don’t let losing a game stop you from practicing harder. Don't let the bad over come the good because the good could be so much better if you just noticed and appreciated it.

So I guess I’ve already gotten my miracle. My miracle, along with everyone else’s, is life itself. We’ve all been given this gift to expand our minds and express ourselves and make a difference in the world. So make it count. Smile, laugh, love, learn, and enjoy your miracle.

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