Too School For Cool? | Teen Ink

Too School For Cool?

October 8, 2014
By rreinhardt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
rreinhardt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From early days in grade school to the last years of high school, waking up in the morning comes with groans and grunts from both teachers and students. "Do I have to go?" is a common question recited day after day followed by a "Yes, you have to go to school." This statement seems to roll off the tongue with no hesitation and no questions are asked. It is true students must go to school, but for how long exactly, and are students and staff expected of too much within the school walls?

The average year in the United States, taken in a survey for the 2001-2002 school year consists of 6.7 hours a day, for 180 days. Not to mention this repeats yearly beginning from Kindergarten to 12th grade, with the option of college after as well. This however, does not include meetings before and after school, extra classes, staying late to finish homework or tests, grading papers, and extra curriculars. Many students and staff do not leave campus until well after 5pm in hopes of accomplishing what needs to be done. Students then proceed home to finish up homework and study, while teachers perhaps grade papers and set up class for the next day. It seems the week days are filled with nothing but school work and studying. How much is too much? Stress and anxiety are huge results of these busy and long days of work. Some parents suggest making the school days shorter, in order to prevent this, however In the state of Ohio, students grades 7-12 are required to be in school for 1,001 hours. Though it may seem the school year goes takes up too much time, and summer couldn't be shorter, the government does their best to ensure students get the best education and resources they can to prepare them for what they may encounter in the real world. Maybe some day the average school year will differ, but for now we must appreciate the opportunities presented with our current education system.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the long hours spent by both teachers and staff at school. I question wether or not we are being held longer than reasonable after putting extra curriculars and staying late into the equation.

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