The Joys of Reading | Teen Ink

The Joys of Reading

September 21, 2014
By AndreeaIoan97 SILVER, Cathedral City, California
AndreeaIoan97 SILVER, Cathedral City, California
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A Woman was created out of a Mans rib; not his feet to be walked on, and not his head to be superior, but his side to be equal." - Author not known.

Reading is Gratifying:

As a young child, we love to hear stories; this affection does not dissipate with age. Stories remain the aboriginal system of entertainment, due to their contrasting plots and events that clasp the reader’s attention and draws them into the world of imagery. The beauty of reading can be found hidden between similes, metaphors, oxymora and other literary devices, which cloak the underlying theme.

You may be asking yourself why reading is gratifying, so without further ado here are some of the reasons we consider reading satisfying:

First and foremost, have you ever read a book and found yourself attached to it? That bond between you and the author primarily arose at the first sentence of the book. Each word feels like a million, while the pages anchor it to your hands, as you spend the nights devouring the simple conversations between the characters you relate to so much. This powerful feeling can make an impact. A simple book can change your life. Books are meant to attract you and teach you a lesson. Some books are there for pure information, while other books can become your escape to an enchanted world. When you finish a book, your heart tears and your mind wonders what would have happened next. You then evaluate many times over the occurrences still trying to explain to yourself that it is over. 

This feeling is gratifying. You have had the honor and pleasure of going inside the private world of the characters and experiencing the events with them. You feel proud of yourself for doing it and you loved every minute of it.


Reading is Fundamental:

Nowadays, the literacy rate in developed countries is high. People, who can read and write, surround us and we do not see reading as an unusual concept. Yet, there are so many people in the rest of the world, who do not share the same privilege as us. They cannot obtain a job because they cannot read, so they have to resort to working callous and atrocious jobs which bring them little money. Do to this, they are seen as inadequate and receive bad treatment.

Without the notion of reading, they cannot write. Illiteracy brings them problems like physiological breakdowns and bullying. People unable to read or write are perceived as unintelligent, this can lead to detrimental effects on the mind.

Illiteracy is also a leading factor of poverty in an economy. In many of these less developed economies, industries are scare, while the primary sector is flourishing due to the increase in the illiterate people. In the primary sector, little knowledge is needed which is a major reason why child labor exists. In LDEs, illiteracy is inherited from parents to child, because as the parents have no information about reading or writing, they will not implement this upon their children.

The inability to read and write is monstrous, because it takes away a persons capacity to engage in the world of imagery and the right to a better life. Two rights all people in the world are entitled to. 


Reading is a World of its Own:

Books come in all shapes, sizes and genres:  Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, Comedy, Biography, Sci-Fi, Horror, etc. Each and every one of them is different in its own way. Let us not just stop there; we also have articles, newspapers, leaflets, emails, magazines. The world is full of words. Words we read, and words we understand. The saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” is inaccurate. Words are our most pride possession. With words we can communicate information, exchange of culture, and storytelling. No matter the way we decide to do this, either through electronics or the old-fashion paper and pen, we can express our thoughts and ideas.

Sometimes speaking is intimidating, but we take to the words on paper to speak our minds and to make ourselves noticed. Being able to read these words on paper gives us access inside people’s minds and souls. This does not only help us communicate but it also brings us closer together as human beings and as a society.
Reading brings us closer to the past, present and future, while feeding us useful information about the notions we cannot comprehend by ourselves.

Reading opens our minds and becomes our friend in the loneliest of times, when all else fails.

Reading perpetually captures events in history and culture which would have been lost if it was not for the power of words. 

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