Women Too | Teen Ink

Women Too

March 27, 2014
By lillie1325 BRONZE, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
lillie1325 BRONZE, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sail with the wind

Women are considered a minority, although the population of women in the world is higher than that of men. Since the beginning of mankind, women have been discriminated against. It is time for the women who have changed the world to be recognized. By celebrating Women’s History Month in March we will be able to recognize the women of today, yesterday and tomorrow.
We all know; Rosa Parks, the woman that wouldn’t stand, Eleanor Roosevelt, the First Lady of the World, and of course Beyoncé the woman that rocked the world. Why have we never heard of Edna Adan Ismail? Edna is called the Mother Theresa of Somalia. As a doctor, she has not only saved thousands of lives in her country, but began a school teaching women to be midwives, creating jobs. What about Neema Namadamu? The leader of Maman Shujaa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which promotes the lives of women. Neema is quoted to say “I’m not interested in making a little noise—I’m looking to CHANGE THE PARADIGM!”. These women have changed little sections of the world and have begun the paving to gender equality. We need to recognize their accomplishments and learn their names as well as we know our pop stars.

Schools these days do not put enough emphasis on women. We need a Women’s History Month program to teach students what atrocities women have been put through. The world is changing and we need to keep up with it. Girls need to learn from children like Mulala Yousafza that education is worth their time. Mulala was shot in the head by the Taliban after advocating girls education in Pakistan. Maybe girls in first world countries will realize how lucky they are to have their education after we teach them the strife Mulala has been put through.

Celebrating Women’s History Month during March is an excellent learning tool. There is no downside to bringing women to the light. Teenaged girls will gain morale from learning about the things women can accomplish. We will be able to inspire the world population in a manner similar to that of Black History Month. Women deserve to be recognized and respected, Women’s History Month does nothing but promote women and inspire the female population of tomorrow.

The author's comments:
Women are important. We need to begin to recognize them and learn from them.

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