The Way | Teen Ink

The Way

November 13, 2008
By Anonymous

We as people should be like fruits.
Though some bruise from bees and some fall from trees,
From the tropical islands to the bushes outback,
There is no dominant fruit.

We as humans should be like paintings.
Though some paintings vibrant in color and some sharper than others,
From Picasso to the adorable little finger painter,
They are all valued as works of art.

We as learners should be like computers.
Though some used for storing and some for the magic of exploring,
From the large and complex to the some small and Hi-Tec
They are all capable of fulfilling the same task.

We as a society should be like building blocks.
Though some make a mess and some impress,
From the blocks he owns to the blocks she owns,
Together they are able to build something beautiful.

We as friends should be like music.
Though some songs make you laugh and some make you mad
From Jazz and Rock to Techno and Pop,
Music will always be there to make you feel like you’re not alone.

But dominance, racism, violence, hatred, and desire
Will only hold us back from what we can achieve.

But love, humanism, unity, and happiness
Is what the world needs.

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