Mistakes | Teen Ink


October 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Everyone always warns you to be careful what you do and with whom. Everyone makes mistakes in life but a lot of teens make the same one. I have always been a person to stick to my word. I always said I would never have sex until I was married, would never smoke and ruin my body, or move out before I was 18. Well I stuck to most of them.

There was this really gorgeous upperclassman that I had a major crush on. Some of the girls that knew him had told me about him but he didn’t seem like what they had said. We had hung out several times and talked on text message all the time. The only time I got to talk to him in the hall was if I actually ran up to him.
One day I was at color guard and I had a lot of spare time so I called the guy I liked to see if he wanted to hang out. Well we ended up going to his house with my friend Cassidy. No one was home but I figured nothing could happen with her there. But I was way wrong. We all went upstairs to his room to watch C.O.P.S. As we were lying on his bed he leaned over to start making out with me. I’m pretty sure you know what happened from there.
The thing I regret most was that it was with someone who really didn’t care for me. He liked me just as much as the other girls. (Just for the sex.) After the fact he stopped talking to me all together. I felt so ashamed of myself. How could I have let that happen when I had seen the signs people told me about but just ignored them? My current boyfriend of a year and three months wants to kill him. It also kills him inside to know I just let myself open up to someone just to get him to like me. So for a decision, I hurt myself, my mom, and my boyfriend, who actually cares for me. I had to eventually tell my mom when she found out about me and my boyfriend. I regret every waking moment of it. I wish I could have had self control to say no and wait on someone who really loved me.

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This article has 1 comment.

Bethani GOLD said...
on May. 23 2010 at 11:44 am
Bethani GOLD, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
10 articles 0 photos 508 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is perfect until you sit back and realize how boring it is without risks.

Good job! It sounds like you've learned from this :)