5 Reasons to Smile | Teen Ink

5 Reasons to Smile

December 1, 2013
By Purplerebelgirl13 GOLD, Toronto, Other
Purplerebelgirl13 GOLD, Toronto, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

If you are reading this, you either have a computer or a magazine subscription. Either way you should be grateful of what you have that others might not. Also if you can see what I’m writing here you must have eyes or ears. That’s something we so often take for granted but it’s amazing how much of an impact it has and how many people around the world would kill for what you have.

No matter how bad things are in your life, your parents yelling at you, a bad mark in school, your friends not talking to you, just think that there will always be someone somewhere in a worse position. No matter how sad you feel remember someone in the world is dying of starvation or being beat to death so you should be happy for where you live and what kind of life you have.

Another reason to smile is that it is contagious! If you are out walking around you should just smile, it doesn’t just release endorphins and make you in a better mood, and it can also change someone else’s day. Smiling is contagious so they will see you smiling and it will make then feel good no matter what mood they are in.

I don’t care what you say, but there’s always someone in this world that loves you. No matter if its your parents, your colleagues your boyfriend/girlfriend, your teacher, your best friends or even someone you have just met, you always have someone who loves you are cares for you and will be there for you.

You are amazing! No matter how useless you feel sometimes you have a talent! You are good at something and you will find your calling and be able to do what you love. For me it’s writing and making people smile! You are smart, talented and perfect! We all are in our own way?

Those are just some reasons everyone can smile and be happy no matter what!

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