Ignorance is Bliss? | Teen Ink

Ignorance is Bliss?

October 26, 2013
By KaleyLove BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
KaleyLove BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

― Albert Einstein

I am scared of ignorance. The world we live in is slowly deteriorating before our eyes with the disregard that mankind has for all things at fault. We turn our heads and choose not to see the pain, destruction, and cataclysm lurking in every corner. We shut our ears to the ever-present and steadily increasing cries of those around us. The result? Catastrophe. In all things, ignorance leads to a poor outcome-ignore your wounds and they will never heal. Ignore your friends and they will disappear. Ignore your bills and your credibility will be diminished forever. You see ? Ignorance leads to catastrophe. So why do we live this way, with ignorance being of our strongest traits? Well, because it’s easy-for now. Right now, we ignore those in need because it doesn't affect us. We ignore the help needed because we have all we need. We can just keep living our cushioned, comfortable, and convenient lives. Right? The answer is no . The more we shut our eyes to the pain and need that is all around us and everywhere we look, the more it grows. And grows. And grows. I believe that the way we are going, there will be a day where closing our eyes to the world’s troubles will be impossible-where there will be nowhere to turn away. Where ignorance will be unmanageable. This is an ugly world. A truly dark, horrific, tragic world. This is what I am afraid of. I am scared of the way mankind uses ignorance to create themselves a make-believe world that is easy to live in-when really, ignorance is the face behind the mask responsible for the monstrous destruction that is coming our way. However, don't be discouraged, there is a way we can change the direction our world is going. This way takes courage, strength, and endurance-but this way is truly the only way there is. Kill ignorance once and for all-and open your eyes.

The author's comments:
I wrote this article to make people more aware of the pain and affliction that is all around them.

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