A Moderate America | Teen Ink

A Moderate America

December 29, 2012
By 8thGemini GOLD, Corning, New York
8thGemini GOLD, Corning, New York
18 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't cross oceans for people who wouldn't jump puddles for you.

For years America has encountered numerous complex problems. For some reason though, and despite years of debate, these problems have not been solved. The battle over the Second Amendment and even the legalization of Marijuana have been around for close to a decade and for some reason the American government can find no solutions for them. If America goes through a simple mental change though, these solutions will become much easier to solve. What America needs to do is find the middle of the road and become a more moderate America.

Take the whole issue with the Second Amendment for instance. Despite the events at Newtown there are some Americans that still believe they have the right to carry automatic and semi-automatic weapons as granted by the second amendment. In a recent poll by the USA Today, 51% of Americans say that they should be able to own an assault weapon. That is actually an increase from last year where many more Americans said that assault weapons should be banned. This is a problem that could be easily solved in a more moderate America. There obviously isn’t a place in American society for semi-automatic and automatic weapons and there needs to be a compromise. This is where a more moderate America comes into play. Right now American citizens and government operate on a “winner takes all” basis. If gun advocates win the argument they get all of what they want. If the opposers of gun ownership win they get all of what they want. This simply cannot go on. If we want to come up with a solution we need to work together so that the balance is equal, a give a little take a little campaign. For instance, automatic and semi-automatic weapons become illegal but hunting licenses become free. Or we tightly regulate the automatic and semi-automatic weapons but allow for a wider range of concealed weapons. We need to make it so that both sides are at least a little pleased by what they got.

Everyone has heard the phrase “everything in moderation” and that means that while you indulge in some things you don’t overindulge in anything. America needs to adopt this stance and find more balanced solutions to all their complex problems. There is so much that can be solved by a compromise whether it be simple or complex. Things such as health care, the legalization of marijuana or gay marriage. All of these things can be solved by becoming a new, more moderate America.

The author's comments:
I like to call out on things that are wrong just like every other person. The difference between me and any other whistle blower is that I want to find solutions

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