It's the Pitt's! | Teen Ink

It's the Pitt's!

December 17, 2012
By matteden22 SILVER, Woodland Park, Colorado
matteden22 SILVER, Woodland Park, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

American cinema has had a multitude of stars rising from “B-List” at best, to stardom. Clint Eastwood and John Wayne have grown from simple beginnings into some of America’s greatest icons. Each generation seems to create a new star the farther America goes, the more generations vary. This may be why there seems to be more than just a few major movie or pop-culture stars. Even though these actors, actresses, artists, and models continue to emerge, one man seems to stand above them in recent years. He is one of the most popular Hollywood stars to come about since perhaps John Wayne himself. In today’s day and age, people seem to admire celebrities much more than they should. Their “worship” appears to have roots in human nature.

Brad Pitt seems to have it all. From fame to fortune, to good looks to women. He is “the man’s man”. Women want him, and men want to be him. In recent years, Pitt has become involved in international issues and has become a major philanthropist. He and is fiancée, Angelina Jolie, have adopted children, and are one of Hollywood’s most “attractive” couples. Even with all of these interesting and intriguing facts about him, what is it that American’s find so appealing? Who is to say that Brad Pitt is any better than anyone of us? Why it that so much weight is has been placed in these superficial areas? Why is the “juicy gossip” irresistible to paparazzi and fan alike?

People magazine or National Inquirer readers seem to have this irrational gravitation towards the gossip, which so frequently surrounds Beverly Hills. Perhaps this draw is easier to understand than we think. Ultimately, these people have to fill a void in their own lives with the celebrities they admire. Many of them fear that their youth will not last the way that many actors’ and actress’, such as Brad Pitt, does. Many people feel that their stupid actions aren’t as bad as many actors’ mistakes, such as a certain Chanel no. 5 commercial. Even though it is obvious to many people that these misconceptions are ridiculous, it is a certain way to feel good. Many people don’t understand why cutting is such a large problem in today’s youth, but I can find no real difference between idolizing a human (that makes mistakes and ages, just as we do) and self-mutilation.

Brad Pitt has a net worth of over 25 million dollars. He has won Golden Globe and Academy awards. One of Hollywood’s most beautiful women is wearing his engagement ring. People love celebrities such as Brad Pitt, but even with all the fame, fortune, power, and looks, Brad Pitt is still a human. For some reason, Americans have yet to discover that. The gossip mongers may never stop loving Brad Pitt, but that commercial still makes no sense.

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