November 26, 2012
By DoyinAdeyemi SILVER, Alexandria, Virginia
DoyinAdeyemi SILVER, Alexandria, Virginia
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Nobody wants to have to live up to someone else’s expectations. Am I the only person that thinks sometimes people don’t let the world see the best in them, simply because when “people see, they expect” according to Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) in the vampire diaries. It’s like you want to be a good person, but you know sometimes you wouldn’t, so you never let people see the positive side of you, because that’s what they’ll always expect and you don’t want to live everyday of your life trying to impress and satisfy society . Am I the only that can see how society is affecting our youths? How peer pressure is luring teenagers to do the wrong thing and how it’s also moving them astray? Am I the only one who’s bothered about the next generation? I mean if this generation can’t get it right, how do we intend on teaching our children to get it right? Am I the only who thinks money holds too much value? That the fact that people are willing to give away their dignity, to get this money is beyond sad and unfortunate? Am I the only one who thinks the motto YOLO (You only live once), has by far been misinterpreted by teenagers? That maybe when Drake sang this song, he meant “Make the very best of life, positively, because you only get one life, so get it right” and not “Party, and get wasted, because once this sweet life is over and done with, you aint getting it back”? Am I the only one who thinks people never pass that egocentric stage in their life’s, that some people think this world was most definitely made for them alone? Am I the only one who sometimes wants to take an elevator to the moon, and just chill there for a couple of hours, with no one but me, just because…. Am I the only one who even when surrounded by so many people, sometimes still feels alone? Am I the only who wishes I could fast forward, rewind and pause my life every once in a while, just to correct mistakes or foresee the future? Am I the only one who wishes I had a second chance to start over, even while fully aware that this wish would never exactly come true? Am I the only person who doesn’t always appreciate the people who made it possible for me to be alive and breathing? Am I the only who stays up at night, hoping that when I wake up the next day everything would be better…but when I wake up nothing is different except from the date. Maybe I am the only one, and maybe I am not the only one, but when you get the chance to sit down and think about your life, you realize how much time you’ve wasted doing things that can’t enhance your life, things that can’t get you anywhere but nowhere. You don’t want it to be too late, think today.

The author's comments:
Just the thought of how this generation is so far gone towards the wrong direction makes me think about the future and the next generation.

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