Words | Teen Ink


June 11, 2012
By demerynoelle SILVER, Fountain, Minnesota
demerynoelle SILVER, Fountain, Minnesota
9 articles 3 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
And those who were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music.

It’s a sad day when you lose someone close to you. They might be your parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend. But no matter what the loss was it still hurts. A lot. The words that people say affect you just as much as the person who left or died. Whether they are words of consolation or words meant to harm your soul they can scar you are heal you. I was once told that a compliment lasts with you for the day but an insult lasts with you for your whole life, which the feeling you get when you are insulted once can only be fixed by 40 compliments. When you lose someone who want to be complimented or consoled, but if you are hurt by the very person you may be losing that feeling lasts forever. Life can hurt just as much as death can. Don’t hurt a person because you feel bad or because you can, heal them because you want to. It lasts much longer and makes both of you feel better. Your words are your weapon. Use them for good.

The author's comments:
What I think people should realize and think about before they say anything.

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