It's Time to Reconsider | Teen Ink

It's Time to Reconsider

February 22, 2012
By Natasha Cole BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
Natasha Cole BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Marijuana has been considered a “poison” for over fifty years, until recently; scientists have discovered that this once deadly plant is actually harmless to the body and mind. Thus Marijuana should be legalized and left up to personal choice.

In recent news stories we have seen every one's opinions change over the law against Marijuana. Based on several decades’ worth of empirical evidence, there is a strong consensus among the scientific community that, used on its own, marijuana presents no danger to the user. It is not physically addictive (although psychological addiction reportedly accounts for 10% of marijuana users) and does not generate adverse physical effects even for long-term users. Essentially, it is safer than alcohol, cigarettes or trans fat. (Republican)

In this statement by President Obama: I think the war on drugs has been a failure, and I think we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws. (White) we understand that it’s time for this country to give in and let the people have the choice of whether they wish to take part in the world of marijuana or not. Even the President sees that this drug war is a waste of money and too many lives are being ruined for something so small.

It’s time for America to take a look at its true priorities. Legalizing marijuana will open up jobs and help stabilize the economy, and at this point the drug wars in America are costing a lot more money to keep going than if they were to just legalize the crash crop with a rapidly growing demand.

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