Money vs Family | Teen Ink

Money vs Family

November 3, 2011
By JohnGaquin BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
JohnGaquin BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Money is like a vulture waiting to swoop down and take something from people. It can make families feel like they are being ripped apart from the inside. It can make people confused and unaware of what truly matters in this world. Is money more important than family, but it could make people feel lonely, family can help people through things, money can give people a good life style.

Is money more important than family, but it could make people feel lonely? If people choose money over family they are going to feel like nobody wants to be around them. People will know he is that person who preferred money over people that they loved. They will feel disgrace from other people around them. After a short time of having the money it will become their life instead of family. They will most likely surround themselves with people that only care about money and not them. If they ever begin to realize what they did they can fall into a depression, once that lonely feeling sets in there really isn’t any going back. Families will have a very hard time accepting them back into the family.

Is money more important than family, but family can help them through things. Money does help in a lot of situations but family can help in many more. Good family members can give them support with financial problems in times of hardships. More importantly though a family can provide moral support for them. That moral support a family can supply makes their life all around better. Giving them an overall more happy life style. Once they choose money over family all that support their family can provide will go away. Having their family in their life makes them feel like they have a purpose, a reason for being there with them. With the money all they feel is like they are waiting there by themselves to die. Although families do have problems between family members it is also their job as a family member to help out in the family to keep that tight bond from falling away.

Is money more important than family, but money can give them a good life style. Family does matter; although on the other hand money is still very important. Whether side they choose, money, or family determines the type of person they are. If they choose to be a person who chooses money over family. Then obviously they will be able to deal with the type of emotions they will get when they do choose the money. With money and it being only them in their life it will obviously be easy for them to achieve many things and be able to purchase anything they desire. Who knows maybe they will be ok to the new type of people they are surrounded by. Most likely the not very dependable type friends; the type of friends they might have to “buy”. If that’s alright with them then their going to have a great life, and the money they have will always be enough to keep them happy. You will never have to deal with financial problems. Such as keeping the food on the table for a family.

Is money more important than family, but it could make them feel lonely, family can help them through things, money can give them a good life style. I hope for their sake that the vulture isn’t waiting for you to swoop down and take their family from them.

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