Drunk Driving | Teen Ink

Drunk Driving

October 14, 2011
By Joshua Kilburn BRONZE, Forestville, New York
Joshua Kilburn BRONZE, Forestville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drunk Driving

Why do people drink and drive? Is it because they think they drive better drunk than sober? Is it because they think they are okay after a few? Who knows but it’s not okay at all; you’re putting so many lives at risk. Honestly, is it worth the chance of taking your life or some innocent persons?

In the world today the top numbers of teen deaths are from homicide, suicide, and drunk driving. If drunk driving is one of the top teen deaths imagine adding up the world’s population of drunken driving deaths. Thousands of innocent people, families, kids, elderly, and other teens have been victims in drunk driving accidents. Why even do it?

When you’re drinking and driving think of the risk you’re taking. Think of how many lives you are putting at stake. Imagine how many innocent people are victims when you are on the road drunk. THINK! Don’t be dumb, don’t drink and drive.

Also when you drink and drive think of losing your car, license, and going to jail. First, you get pulled over. Second, the cop asks, “have you been drinking tonight?” Then he makes you get out of the car and take a breathalyzer .You FAIL! Now you’re on your way to being behind bars for the night with a big fat DWI.

Drunk driving is harmful to you and millions around you. Before leaving the party or even getting in your car after one drink think about what you’re doing to yourself. Call someone for a ride. Is it that important? Before you even take a sip, give someone your keys. More and more lives are taken every day from drunk drivers. STOP before getting in the car.

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