Datings not all it's cracked up to be? | Teen Ink

Datings not all it's cracked up to be?

November 12, 2010
By Corkee BRONZE, Westby, Wisconsin
Corkee BRONZE, Westby, Wisconsin
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont be afraid to be yourself, Don't lose yourself to find someone else

You have all been there. When your like look at that guy over there! He's so cute but how many of us get up walk over and talk to them? It usually a long process where you just watch them for a period of time. What happens when the guy or girl does not like you back? If you and your friends like the same guy. It could start a big fight about who gets to date them? How old is just the right age to start dating? Is there any advice on how to approach someone you like?

The author's comments:
Some of my friends are in a fight. We each like this amazing guy but we watch him not talk to him! Now we are mad because how do we decide who can get him?

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