The Jimmy John's Gathering | Teen Ink

The Jimmy John's Gathering

May 13, 2010
By lizzyrenning BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
lizzyrenning BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We had all started there with the same intensions.
Being a sandwich artist, making minimum wage I forgot to mention.

When the adventure began, we were filled with curiosity and confusion.
All of us dressed up in our matching uniform gave us all a false allusion.

There were immediate introductions and life stories being shared.
The more I listened intently to each one, the more I had cared.

We had it made, it was the perfect disaster.
The skater, the princess, the punk, the choir boy, the valley girl and of course our master.

A few months later, we learned more about each other and had formed a pact
This group was filled with love, friendship, and originality and that’s a fact.

All of us cultivated from a different environment, yet obtained a common ground
Working at Jimmy John’s together is what made our eccentric group’s world go round.

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