May 12, 2010
By fofanidani PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
fofanidani PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What are cliques anyway?
They can be popular, preps, band geeks, or Broadway kids.
But in the end we are one.
Putting the cliques behind, students are friends with many different people,
No matter where they are on the social scale.
At lunch time we usually sit with the people we have most common with.
In the classroom we are mixed with cliques,
This is where we find out that we share common things with them too.
Once the bell rings, we are back to our old selves.
Passing everyone in the hallway, saying hi or giving a smile,
But nothing more.
Once senior year roles around you will have made friends with people
You never thought you would become to know.
What are cliques anyway?

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 24 2010 at 10:17 am
effortlesslove BRONZE, Westminster, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A friend is someone who can sing the song in your heart when you have forgotten the words"i

 this is true once you enter high school you put yourself into what social group you relate to the most but as years fly by and your in the 12 th grade you soon realize your just like everybody else and the "cliques" start to fade away..