HAITI | Teen Ink


February 15, 2010
By nickpalano BRONZE, Lafayette, California
nickpalano BRONZE, Lafayette, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 04:53 P.M the Caribbean plate and the North America plate collided, creating one of the worst natural disasters this world has ever seen. It ripped through the country side and demolished the cities, leaving nothing in its wake. A monstrous 7.0 on the rictor scale, It was the earthquake of the millennium. Haiti, which is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, was hit head on by these waves of destruction. This tragedy has destroyed what was ever left of Haiti’s economy, and leaving them so deeply troubled that they could never escape the oblivion in which they lay in. Even with the help that has been given, it will not help then completely. In order for Haiti to overcome these impossible times, the world needs to aid and help in any way possible.

In the past, Haiti has had to over come many obstacles and challenges. They’ve been ruled by vast amounts of kings and countries, all trying to take advantage of this helpless country. But even with all these hardships, the people of Haiti have always overcome them. Haiti has never been a rich country, in fact they are one of the poorest in the world but still manage to get by, with an average of 270 dollars per year. With such small amounts of income, the capital Port-au-Prince isn’t built to the standards of regular cities. The government can’t regulate the standards for building cities. So most of the buildings in the city are poorly built and very unstable. These low standards and high amounts of stress due to the earthquake set up for a disaster throughout the run down city. When the Earthquake hit, every building collapsed, along with the country and its people. Leaving At least 112,405 people killed, 196,595 injured, 800,000 to 1 million displaced. Haiti was a disaster waiting to happen.

Today, Haiti is in need of help more then ever. In order to free themselves from this darkness, they need all the aid and support they can obtain. Huge amounts of loans and money from all over the world are flowing into the black hole, which is Port-au-Prince, even with all the efforts it will not be enough. Attempts to relocate hundreds of thousands to the countryside, and gigantic refugee camps will not cure this problem. The only way to defeat the hunger, poverty, and the homeless is for the world in its entirety to support Haiti. This fallen comrade of the world, needs every breathing human on this planet to aid them.
One day the world will hopefully look back and see what a marvel, what an amazing place this world is. How one country with absolutely nothing can rise from its grave and resurrect into one once again. A place so powerful nothing can break it . Through Hard work and kindness, this country can re-live and re-grow. Now, Haiti can only look into the future, and just survive the present. Be hungry and tired tonight, but be dreaming about the future. They can fight through today because the help of millions has given them hope for tomorrow.

Not all countries can fight though a tragedy like the one in Haiti. Not only was it the 7.0 earthquake bashing its way through the town, but also the people that lived in it. Influencing an entire world more fortunate, to help the less fortunate. In order for humans to feel the need to help and aid a surrounding country, they need to know what it is like to be this country in its darkest hour. Haiti needs your help.

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