Imagine with me | Teen Ink

Imagine with me

February 2, 2010
By Br11anna BRONZE, Winston Salem, North Carolina
Br11anna BRONZE, Winston Salem, North Carolina
3 articles 8 photos 6 comments

Imagine a girl who was gorgeous and had the figure to die for. Imagine the guy who was fine and outright sexy. Now Imagine inbetween and in your own words characterize them in two words. What would you say? Would you say o she's pretty and short, would you say he's cute but kind of chubby. Living in this world is like looking through a mirror. We never see who we really are because we always see who they are. We see tall, beautiful, sexy,toned, firm, divine,and rich. We never see poor,chubby,big-boned,short,pretty,cute,andaverage. We are so wrapped around the hyprocisy of slim and fit are best and anything else is a mess that we don't see that it is possible to actually be yourself. Don't get me wrong being in shape and looking good with and without the makeup is great.But if you weren't like that or aren't like that. How do you really look in your own skin beneath everything, so imagine with me, YOU. You without the makeup, or hard rock abs. You with the twinkle in your eyes,the dimples on your cheeks and the smile that will light up the world.How do you really look?

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 9 2010 at 2:49 pm
Br11anna BRONZE, Winston Salem, North Carolina
3 articles 8 photos 6 comments
I completely agree:)

hopeful1991 said...
on Feb. 9 2010 at 10:23 am
I understand. I wonder sometimes if people ever think about what they really are, if they can get past their Abercrombie and Fitch, their Hollister what they may see is something ugly. People should make themselves (their souls) beautiful. You can't buy this beauty at the mall either.