Can You Tell Me Why? | Teen Ink

Can You Tell Me Why?

September 4, 2009
By Anonymous

Dear God,
I feel so lost. I don’t know where I belong or who I am. I never feel at home no matter what I do. I’ve been trying so hard just to fit in that I don’t even recognize myself anymore. Nobody knows who I really am. They just know the person I become when I’m around them. I have so many different – “personas,” with my different groups of friends.

Can You Tell Me Why?

Can you tell me why you made me this way?

Can you tell me why I try so hard to please others even though I am shown no appreciation?

Can you tell me why everything comes hard to me but so easily for others?

Can you tell me why i feel like I have nothing at all even though I have so much?

Can you just


Tell me why?!

The author's comments:
I feel so much like I don't have a place in this world, like I'm just a waste of air and space.

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This article has 3 comments.

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Oct. 3 2009 at 11:00 am
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

I know exaclty what you mean. I totally felt the same way, but then i began to realize that no matter what anyone else said or did or even how they thought about me, all that really matters is if im ok with myself. from your writing, it sounds like you don't like that you dont know who you are now. I realized that in myself and decided that i would figure out who i really am and what i really like and then surround myself by people who are able to appreciate me for who i am, not who i pretend to be. Hope this helps. :)

pk456 said...
on Sep. 23 2009 at 12:03 pm
im the same way exactly the same in every way ill just tell you what im doing... i always try to think positive be happy even though i am in utter misery i just draw a smiley face on my hand to remind me to be happy and get on with my life but i always need somebody to talk to so now i try to let all my feelings in a journal-family problems, friend problems, etc. etc. but ya just let yourself be heard....

jessie-w GOLD said...
on Sep. 22 2009 at 1:42 pm
jessie-w GOLD, Winnemucca, Nevada
16 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
To lose is inconceivable. Everyone wins in some way. You just have to push forward and leave the wreckage behind.

Just look back at your writing we both know what your purpose is I felt that way too until recently and I'm still trying to find who I am but your a writer and if you can show them what you've got they'll appreciat you as yourself