the edge | Teen Ink

the edge

July 10, 2009
By Dr.Gonzo BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
Dr.Gonzo BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There I was on the edge of the nothing we call everything. The wind swirled madly around my head disrupting the hope I was trying to imagine. The faded light barley reached the summit beneath my feet. I remember thinking something like “I’ve come too far to turn back now”. At that very moment horrific visions of my savage past filled my drug addled half crazed mind; so I stretched out my week arms and threw myself over what seemed to be my climactic end. Spiraling head first at top speed toward the broken earth I was finally at peace with the gods and demons of my past. Then like first rising vibes of a revelation I violently hit the surface of reality. I had been given a second chance.

Only those of us whom have been over the edge know where it is.

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This article has 1 comment.

ellie21794 said...
on Aug. 14 2011 at 10:15 am
This is amazing! Wow!