Focus | Teen Ink


June 9, 2009
By mynameiscotter BRONZE, Bishopville, Maryland
mynameiscotter BRONZE, Bishopville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

What should one focus on? What should come first in one's life? How should one live their life to the fullest?

These are valid questions that one should question themselves and should answer on their own, never anyone else. The "wrong" or the "questions that shouldn't matter" could be "Who should I look up to?" "Who should I support?" "How will I ever be succesful?"

"How will I ever be succesful." An odd question. However this question is asked by so many people, mainly teenagers or people going through a mid-life crisis. Things are surfacing in your teenage years that weren't of importance before, things like college, things like the value of money and what you can get with that money. Or social things such as "Do they like me?" "I hope they don't think my ideas are dumb." These are the thoughts and questions that if not realized by the individual soon enough can destroy them.

So what needs to be realized? their self-worth needs to be realized. What one loves, what one really wants in life-if one wants money then I heartily hope that their want for money is not their only want, isn't there something that you want for yourself? An art to call your own, an establishment that makes your whole being proud...and happy.

So one's focus should always be what makes one happy, proud, and glad to do and make what they love. Not all of us know what that is so early in life, but half of life is discovering things about yourself and going through experiences-creative and destructive.

YOU are what matters, and I don't tell you this-you know this.

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