The Pains of Being Introverted | Teen Ink

The Pains of Being Introverted

March 28, 2016
By Jasmine-Anne SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jasmine-Anne SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination," - John Lennon

Alone, shy, awkward; each word holds a piece of me that I am unable to change, however hard I may try. It is ingrained into my being, my soul, to a point where there is no room for redemption. To be such creates an existence which in its self is a sentence to a life of silent misery that festers and aches as time continues on, as people continue to walk over me. In a world where individuals are segregated into classes of personality and differences, I am far from proud of where I stand.

I am a representative of a group society continues looks down open, one where each individual separates themselves from one another, while even fearing their interactions with one another. We are prodded by our parents and other adult figures repeatedly to be better, do better, and essentially become a different person society supposedly approves of. Unfortunately the attempts are unsuccessful and harming to the latter’s, sometimes even scarring.

We are told to ignore our love for the weird, to set aside the comic books and take up a football or rather a set of pom-poms. Our fascination with the impossible to them is improbable.

What is not understood is that these little things we obsess over is a comfort. The heroes in our comics are more reliable than most. Those important ‘sports’ you wave overhead has never saved us from a meaner world; they are the cause of our pain and discrimination.

Why would we give up what we love to become idiot savant’s throwing around balls and chasing after one another’s tales? What is the point in striving to become something that we will never achieve? That is what seems pretty unreasonable to me.

We are the protagonist and they are the antagonist. However much they may deny it, they who scold and berate us for something we cannot change, are the ones needing to be changed.


I am an introvert at heart, we are introverted as a whole, and they are beyond that in their simple minded views.
But what does it necessarily mean to be introverted? Could being so be beyond what they the antagonists are? Do we, the socially in-adept hold some sort of power? If so what may that be?

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