Fitting In | Teen Ink

Fitting In

April 22, 2015
By Anonymous

Society has this funny way of lying to people.  It says that it won’t judge or make assumptions about people but yet that’s exactly what it does.  Better yet, that’s what we as people do; we judge and make fun of people that we know almost nothing about.  Society tells us as people to be ourselves and be the person we want to be; but every time we show our true selves there is always that other person to say “no that’s weird.”  Fitting in has basically no meaning in this world. There are so many different groups and types of people that no person can fit into all the groups and be accepted by society for their true selves. 

Society has so many different religions, cultures and requirements that not everyone will be accepted into all of the different groups. Although we know it’s impossible some people still try to be a part of them all. They confine to society thinking they will become pretty and be accepted by all the poplars’. The kids in middle school and high school are so obsessed with fitting in with the “important” people that they change into somebody their not. Fitting in has no meaning, theirs no right way to fit in; so I say be yourself and the right group will come along and you won’t have to be somebody you’re not just to be accepted by the wrong people.
Being yourself is the one thing that society cannot take away from you. If people were to be strong and bold then society would have no meaning and we as people would be happy and accepted by the right people.  When you are yourself more people will look up to you for support and encouragement. And in result of being strong and bold society will have nowhere to bring you down.  Being yourself is the greatest power that could ever define you.  Nobody else would be able to bring you down or tell you that you’re weird and you don’t belong. 

Expressing individuality is the only way that will make people like you and for you to be happy in the end.  Sure some people will have different ways of expressing themselves but that doesn’t mean that they are weird or shouldn’t be respected. People are different if we weren’t then life would be boring. Society has a way of lying to people but we can’t be blinded on what it wants us to be. We as people were born differently for a reason and that is to express our true selves, to live life how we want to even if some don’t agree. There will be a person out there who thinks that you are the most important and wants to hang out with you.

When you are yourself someone will come into your life and love you for you. Although in order for that to happen you have to not let society manipulate you into thinking that you have to dress or act a certain way to be accepted.  Being yourself is the number 1 thing that you can’t mess up and you shouldn't let anybody tell you how to act or dress. You are yourself. Live your life to the fullest and don’t worry about what people think. You make a life by what you give. even if what you give is a shy smile to a stranger you never know what makes others days.

The author's comments:

The more i have to live in a society that is all about labels, ive grown to hate them. i dont believe that everyone shoukd act the same or wear the same styles. i believe that everyone is their own individual and we as a society shouldnt push for something less. As for someone who has gone throgh difficulties i speak with my heart about how i feel about society and the way labels are today.

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This article has 1 comment.

ArtemisM said...
on Apr. 28 2015 at 7:21 pm
ArtemisM, Kansas City, Missouri
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is a beautiful piece of work! I really like how you phrased this and it made me really happy. This is a great message for people to hear. I wish someone would have told me this this way a long time ago. :)