Feminism | Teen Ink


January 26, 2015
By chxy.y BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
chxy.y BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

America. What words do you associate with “America”? Equality probably comes to mind right? America is “created equal” after all. But are we really equal? Are we, as a country, truly treated as equals? The answer is no. So many people assume that America is one hundred percent equal when in fact, we are not. Thousands of women across the country are treated differently just for having an extra x chromosome.

First of all what is feminism? The definition of feminism is the desire to want to have equal rights for both genders. Most people assume that feminist are crazy, anti-men women who think all men should be damned, when in reality feminist just want to have equal rights. The majority of the time people think feminist are trying to degrade men, but that’s not at all what happens. Active feminist are fighting for equal rights for both genders, not trying to prove that women are better. Why is feminism important? Feminism is important in our society because everyone deserves to have equal rights. Without feminism women would have no rights. Women would be treated with even less respect than they are now.

Women are viewed and treated differently than men. There is no way of putting this nicely or sugar coating it. Women are considered “weak” and often looked down upon, especially in the work place. So many women are turned down from jobs because they “do not have the qualifications.” When women do get jobs, they get paid 77 cents compared to the dollar that a man makes, which is absolutely ridiculous! Women get paid 23 cents less for doing the exact same thing that a man does. How women are treated is unjust and totally unfair. Yes, we have progressed farther than the 2o’s, but women are still not treated as complete equals.

Women are expected to tolerate getting harassed on the streets with smiles on their faces. Women deal with so many things they should not have to, but are still considered the weaker gender. Women have to deal with catcalls every day, and most of the time men do not get in trouble for it. Usually there are no consequences for the men who sexually harass women. For example, a high school football star drugged a girl, violently raped her, recorded it and put it online and didn’t get in trouble. In fact, he didn’t even get suspended and was still allowed to play for the team. He walked away from the incident with no charges. There are many more cases just like this, where men go free and women are ridiculed on how they handle the situation.

Women are told to not wear certain things, drink certain things or be by themselves at night. People are so quick to tell a women how to dress, act, walk, just so incidents like the football player can be avoided. Why should women have to change their whole lives just so she can feel safe at night? In what universe is that fair or equal? Women shouldn’t have to change. A women should be able to wear what she wants and feel safe walking down the street. That is her right. Women’s rights should be respected. Women should have just as many rights as men do without question. Men and women aren’t equal and people should be more aware about it.

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