Until You Can Smell Equality In The Air | Teen Ink

Until You Can Smell Equality In The Air

October 8, 2014
By muskimats BRONZE, Yigo, Other
muskimats BRONZE, Yigo, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Surely there are many cons to same-sex marriage, but most of the cons can easily be outweighed by the pros. Gay marriage is not unconstitutional and does not affect Guam’s economy in a negative way. Gay marriage also would make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt children, giving children a stable home. I believe that Gay marriage should be legalized in Guam because as stated in the Declaration of Independence, “ all men are created equal,” and this should not be denied to couples of the same gender. The children of Guam look up to their parents and the adults surrounding them, usually mimicking their actions. So if the adults are discriminating or singling out gays, whether directly or indirectly, what would happen to Guam’s future (as the children of Guam are its foundation)? 

According to the Constitution of the United States of America, all men should be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, not legalizing gay marriage is denying gay couples their right of “pursuit of happiness.” Same-sex couples should be allowed to publicly celebrate their commitment in the same way heterosexual couples do. Though same-sex couples are generally coming to be accepted in some countries, denying them their right to marry is like welcoming society to discriminate same-sex couples as lesser beings. This goes against a prominent concept the United States have constantly been fighting for in the past; equality.

Guam’s economy can benefit from gay marriage, just like any marriage. Legalizing gay marriage would cause same-sex couples to start planning weddings on Guam, hence spending money on flowers, cakes, bands, meals, photographers, hotels, and tourism in general. The money spent on these weddings go back to Guam’s economy, thus benefiting the economy in a positive manner. Also, the purchases would cause an increase of sales tax revenue. Ultimately, legalizing gay marriage does not affect the economy in a negative way.
The children of Guam are the foundation to Guam’s future, and every child counts. Same-sex couples would be able to adopt children easier if the couples were married. Marriage should not be withheld from same-sex couples for the lack of ability to reproduce. George Washington did not have a child with his wife Martha Custis, and neither did four other married US presidents. If reproduction was the sole purpose to marriage, infertile couples would not be allowed to marry. Though same-sex couples can not reproduce, they have the option of adoption where children need loving parents.

Irrevocably, I believe that Gay marriage should be legalized in Guam because as stated in the Declaration of Independence, “all men are created equal,” and this should not be revoked to same-sex couples. Significant reasons why gay marriage should be legalized are that it is not unconstitutional, is not negative to the economy, and it allows same-sex couples to adopt easier, giving orphaned children a home. More and more people are coming to accept same-sex couples, but the fact that gay marriage is still not legal sends a message to society that same-sex couples still are not seen to stand on equal grounds as heterosexual couples. This issue may have been too often dismissed in the past, but the future and present is constantly changing. The ideologies of the past are different in the present and will be different in the future; there is no longer segregation, women can vote, and now it is time for change again. We will not be truly free until all the discriminations have ended and you start to smell equality in the air.

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