The Right Kind of World | Teen Ink

The Right Kind of World

September 23, 2014
By EvilChickenNugget83 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
EvilChickenNugget83 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The right kind of world should be much different than it is now. Instead of corruption, violence, hate, and discrimination, it should be much more positive. Somewhere where I would feel at home. The starving third-world countries should have access to clean and nutritious food, and an abundance of fresh water. War should be vanquished from this world forever. Happiness should be a major part of this world, persuading people to make a positive change. Energy would be clean, renewable, and safe. Everybody on Earth, no matter what age, gender, or race, should have equal rights, no matter what they desire. Animal cruelty should be completely ridded, they deserve as many rights as we humans do. This is what I would see as “Perfect”. If the world were this way right now, I am sure there would be much less depression and much more happiness.

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