Racism Among Us | Teen Ink

Racism Among Us

November 1, 2013
By swagpresident BRONZE, Washington DC, Other
swagpresident BRONZE, Washington DC, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Racism is something that still lingers among the entire world. Even in America there is
racism. Many think that racism has been diminished in the country, but I know ,first hand, it
hasn’t. I’m Indian. Both my parents were born and raised in India. My siblings and I are the first
generation to be born in America. Over my life I have felt some racism, and I’m pretty sure my
brother has, too. Even my parents have felt some racism since they came to America. In India
it’s different everybody is the same skin tone, so you can’t be racist. America is different, it’s
know as the melting pot. There are so many people with different cultures and beliefs and
different skin colors. With all these people in one place there has got to be some racism here
and there. It’s not like people aren’t gonna judge someone because they look different. It’s not
human nature.

Even going back in history white people made black people their slaves because they
thought that they were inferior than them. The white people put up laws against allowing black to
vote and go to school with the white people. This went all the way up to the 1960s until a brave
man stood up against racism. Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader against racism, he fought
against it without violence. He showed people that there was no difference between blacks or
whites. I remember one day in elementary school a boy came up to me. He asked me one
simple question that even till today still strikes me. He asked me why I was dark skinned. He
genuinely didn’t know why I was darker than everybody else. To be truthful I didn’t know why I
was brown either. I just stared at him blankly and said I don’t know.

Another experience I had with racism was when I was visiting my cousins in Alabama.
We were all taking a walk and it was pretty late at night, couple drunk guys came out of a bar.
We just walked right past them without giving them a thought. Apparently they found that
annoying and started yelling at us. They were saying minor words but then one word that I
cannot repeat stopped my dad and uncle. Both of them turned around and walked toward the
drunk guys. My dad started yelling immediately at them. My uncle followed up after about five to
ten minutes of name calling they finally made the drunk guys walk away. My uncle and dad
walked back towards us looking extremely pissed off but can you blame them? We didn’t run into
anymore problems in the rest of our trip.

One last experience that I had with racism was when we were first moving to this are. My
parents wanted to put us in a school called Tower Hill. It was a private school and you had to
take a test to get in. I never took the test but my older brother, Abu, did. He was just starting
kindergarten and he did fine in the test. For some reason though the school failed him, and my
parents were furious. My mom was telling me a little bit ago on the drive to our dentist that
humanity is very racist. She talked about how this was just a little feeling of this. She rambled on
saying that Tower Hill was ungrateful, stupid, stuck up, and just a little racist.

What I’m trying to point out to you is how racism is still here. It still lingers around us,
maybe not as much, but it is surely here. Some people might not feel as much racism towards
themselves as other people but believe it isn’t fun. Racism is no joke and there are no benefits of
making fun of someone because of their race. Maybe now you will watch what you say because
everywhere around the world there is racism among us.

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