Dear Murderer | Teen Ink

Dear Murderer

October 2, 2012
By xxLivxx GOLD, Preston, Other
xxLivxx GOLD, Preston, Other
12 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.”

- Albert Camus

Dear Murderer
How are you this morning? Good sleep? I hear prison beds are more comfortable then the hard sidewalk and damp cardboard that I lie on, when the sun sets.
Have you eaten this morning? I’m guessing that’s a yes. This morning food was short and once again I went without.
Are you warm in your dry, clean cell, when I shiver and freeze in the cool November breeze? It’s funny to believe the things I hope and dream about, you have and you are a murderer.
Many say it’s wrong to kill, even if that person has killed, but who decides what’s right and wrong? To me the world is upside down, a constant spin, round and round.
So, Dear Murderer, you stole him from my grasp, my dear friend. You have won my dream and I live in your punishment.
Why are you too good for death, but you can take a soul from the earth, a soul that’s not yours to take?
So, Dear Murderer, what I want to know is why we are saving you? Shutting you up in protection and my own paradise, face your consequences - Face. Your. Death!

The author's comments:
At school we are currently studying capital punishment and imprisonment. This made me wonder what could be worse than prison for me. I finely decided having nothing, becoming homeless. Was a cell, three square meals a day and clean clothes a true ’punishment’ and was it not better then fighting to live each and every day on the streets? So this is why I have written from the prospective of a homeless person who wants the ‘punishment’ the murder has.

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This article has 1 comment.

Amy.G said...
on Oct. 7 2012 at 3:04 pm
Very intuitive piece of writing from a teen,  Interesting take on a very somber.  Will be intersted to see what else this writer can come up with!