response to "4-H Camp in Tar Hollow State Park" by Kimber Colohan | Teen Ink

response to "4-H Camp in Tar Hollow State Park" by Kimber Colohan

January 9, 2018 BRONZE, Defiace, Ohio
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The passage "4-H Camp in Tar Hollow State Park" by Kimber Colohan left me enthused. The reason the passage left my enthused is because I myself used to be a camper in a 4-H camp. She said, "4-H camp has created a lot of great memories for me and because of it I have made new friends every summer.” I made friends every year at my 4-H camp. The trick is to become friends with the right people. She said, "The Gizmo helps campers make new friends." This is so true. I have friends that i met at 4-H camp, and they are my best friends.

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