Feedback on “China Valentine” | Teen Ink

Feedback on “China Valentine”

February 10, 2018
By hannahjiang GOLD, New York, New York
hannahjiang GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“China Valentine” is a haunting medley by Liliana Tomlinson, that illustrates the everlasting effects of an abusive relationship, how after being “broken” down time and time again, the damage done became irreparable to his touch. He no longer found her shattered little pieces “charming” or even pretty, as she never did. It is not specified or stated whether the abuse was physical or emotional, though it does not change the fact that it never should have occurred. Many feel as though they are unable or not in the position to leave an abusive relationship, but as demonstrated by this poem, you will heal from with time away from them.

The comparison between herself and shattered china leaves reader wondering whether or not she is writing from personal experience. I have never felt a similar affliction of being hurt by a significant other, nor have a percentage of other readers. Despite this, everyone has been in what they define as an abusive or toxic relationship, whether it be romantic or platonic.

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