Feedback on “Osashiburidesu” | Teen Ink

Feedback on “Osashiburidesu”

December 12, 2017
By Carlson Ng SILVER, NYC, New York
Carlson Ng SILVER, NYC, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you have a strong interest in a something, especially a language, then you should never let anything stop you from pursuing that, as implied by “Ohisashiburidesu”, by Alica Marzolf. It centers on a girl named Alicia who visits Japan to learn Japanese, a language that she misses from her life. She recalls moments from her past ranged from her classmate Erica nervously blurting out “Inu ga suki desu”, or “I like dogs” when introducing herself to new Japanese transfer students to her sensei yelling “Keitai dame” to get the class off their phones. As the story progresses, Alica is constantly asked the same question: “Why are you studying Japanese?” At the end, Alicia finally finds the answer to that big question: “I miss the learning the language I love.” Without a doubt, this is work of art worth praising.

Reading this felt like a gift was handed down from God, and people that are into anime (like me) and are otakus or weeaboos (which mean anime addicts) will enjoy reading this because of all the Japanese words and phrases used and all the references to animes that people watch. I’m glad that Teen Ink put faith into this piece of writing, or in this case, an dramatic anime on paper, because if I was to rate this, I would rate it five out of five stars and put it on “My List” on Netflix.

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