Your Locker, Now that You’re Gone | Teen Ink

Your Locker, Now that You’re Gone

October 26, 2017
By koltonmccloud SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
koltonmccloud SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Your Locker, Now that You’re Gone,” written by Xander B., talks about a guy that was in what seemed like an abusive relationship. His writing left me feeling deep in my thoughts and sad for the guy in the story. The story is about a guy who had a girlfriend, and it sounded like he loved her very much even enough to let her hurt him not really physically but mentally. I guess I agree with the story because the guy wanted only to make his girlfriend happy. The girl, however, sounded like she didn’t even care about the guy at all really. I was left a little surprised also at the end of the story because it is usually the guy that is abusive, not the girl. This story is written excellently and perfectly shines light on abuse between couples and by women, and it is good to help see when people you know and when friends are treated this way by a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Two things that help are where the guy says, “Maybe I’m happy you’re not here anymore” or when he says, “I am very glad.” These show he is letting go of the girl and starting to release the thought of her from his thoughts.

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