No You Can't Say the N-Word | Teen Ink

No You Can't Say the N-Word

October 2, 2017
By Shamelsavage BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Shamelsavage BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This article “No You Can’t Say The “N” Word, by Chidinma A. grabbed my attention because I felt a connection to the article.  I can relate too this article because I have been called things before Not this word but others. The article talked about how certain people are not allowed to say the “N” word as it would hurt anyone’s feeling. The article also mentions how people assume you are related because your skin color can be the same. The author stresses that people should not use this word because they do not understand the struggles another can have.


I do not completely understand how saying a word towards another can be hurtful. How can just the N  word hurt your feelings. I think that it is stupid because it is just a word, and we say words to each others and it does not hurt our feelings.

I liked how the author uses the example of being at a party and not being able to have a piece of cake while others can have it.  I liked this example because it shows how some people can have hatred toward another.
This piece did not have any effect on how I felt about this word and I am still confused how a word can hurt someone. 

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