Feedback on Gone to Mud | Teen Ink

Feedback on Gone to Mud

May 5, 2017
By KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jamie W.’s memoir “Gone to Mud” spoke to me on an emotional level and allowed me to relate to the author. The article describes Jamie’s backyard in the present and thinks back to how it was before. The memories vary from shopping for seeds to plant in the garden to silly mistakes that took place.  All of the eye-catching descriptions made me feel like I was in my backyard. Even though mine wasn't anywhere close to Jamie’s, I was able to see how unique that backyard was.

One of the most interesting aspects of the memoir was the vast personification used. Everything from grass to mud was given human emotions and did human actions to give the writing more feeling. My favorite piece of personification was when the plants were fighting each other with “the scallions waged war against the peppers, and the watermelon vines strangled the zucchini.” Lines like these gave the article much more significance to me and made this memoir very special.

In addition, the comparison of the previous state of the garden and how it was today at the start and end of the memoir made me feel bad. Even though I don't even know Jamie well, his unique writing styles were able to make me feel bad about his own backyard. Even if he says “Another childhood gone to mud,” I know that Jamie will be able to live past his struggles in the backyard.

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