Feedback on "Creating a Culture of Consent" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Creating a Culture of Consent"

April 5, 2017
By Julie_Ruin GOLD, Staten Island, New York
Julie_Ruin GOLD, Staten Island, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gabriela L's "Creating a Culture of Consent"is important. Every word, every comma, even space. While reading in the lunchroom to friends, you could hear shouts of "Preach girl!" and "Hell yeah!" and the occasional scoff of extreme disapproval. We cheered this author on, and absolutely hated Brock Turner. All of us had since the news of his assault came about.
Turner's "good kid" scapegoat is dumb. His athletic career shouldn't rescue him from serving a proper prison sentence. He raped someone. He ruined someone's life. This poor girl's life will never be the same again, and all the judge can think about is Turner's reputation? How selfish. How rude. How utterly disgusting. How dare you?

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