Feedback on I'm Just a Person | Teen Ink

Feedback on I'm Just a Person

April 2, 2017
By KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I’m Just a Person” by Lauren H. looks back and reflects on how humans have “labeled” each other over the years due to their traits. In her words, the mere descriptions of labels usually bring negative thoughts to thought. However, Lauren goes on with the article, labeling herself as a math and science person. She then analyzes why she is called this and how it is not the best way to think of her, as there are a lot of other things she enjoys.

One of the things I like in the article is how neutral Lauren seems at the idea of labels. While she definitely says that there are bad things that come from this, she counters that by saying “This is not an essay in defense of labeling.” I can appreciate this neutrality, since I find myself in a similar situation. I mainly enjoy math, but I find ELA to be more entertaining than science. However, most people would call me a math and science person just because of what I excel at, making a very bland statement without even considering the consequences. With a playful tone throughout the essay, Lauren made me ask myself if I actually enjoy keeping these labels after all.

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