Feedback on "Carving Pumpkins" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Carving Pumpkins"

March 3, 2017
By beckym10 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
beckym10 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In “Carving Pumpkins” by Mary C., the narrator reflects on a memory about carving pumpkins with his grandfather as a child and how he would learn how to do it by himself one day. As I was brought into a more somber memory of a hospital, I realized the grandfather was going to pass. The contrast between the two memories and the emotion the narrator conveyed with his words and descriptions made the grandfather’s passing so much more heartbreaking. I felt sympathetic for the narrator that was going through this because death is such a hard concept to accept and understand, especially for young children.

I, like the narrator, also lost my grandfather when I was young, so I didn’t get to know him well. Being only six at the time, I wasn’t able to understand the severity of what had happened or or why he wasn’t there anymore. I regret not having enough time to spend with him, even if his death was something out of my control. I wish I got to know what kind of grandfather he was and I hope that the next time we meet, it will last longer.

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